Sunday, July 18, 2010

Greenslopes Private Hospital

Thank you all those who wished me good luck and best wishes on my hospital visit. I am back home with a newly charged battery (literally) and feeling great.
I went in on Thursday afternoon, mainly for pre-op stuff, X-Ray, anti-biotic drip, paperwork etc. Then on Friday morning 7.30AM I was first cab off the rank and was wheeled into the Cardio Lab where my Cardiologist cut open my chest, removed and replaced the Metronics ICD which I had inserted for the last seven years. He did this without full anaesthetics, a procedure that took about 40 minutes. He didn't need to replace the leads into my heart this time. They kept me in for a second night for more anti-biotics. Apparently the greatest risk in this procedure is infection. So I am right again for the next eight yerars, after which we'll do it all over again. I would also like to mention that I recovered without a single dose of pain killers, tablets or otherwise. How about that. 


  1. Kudos! Hurrah! You are home! Enjoy!

  2. Brave boy!!! Must be the spirit of William Tell within thee??
    Now you can recommence that painting job that Diane had lined up???
    Colin (HB)

  3. Good stuff, BB. I had a different image when you said he 'cut open your chest'. Sucking up pain is character-building ... or something!

    Glad you are home with recharged batteries.

  4. Bill, you are a wonder. Just the same, hospitals look much better in the rear vision mirror.

  5. Glad you are home and doing fine! Keep the pictures coming!

  6. I missed this. Glad everything went well.

  7. Welcome back, Bill. Now you must be "rundum erneuert" ;)

  8. Glad to hear everything went so well!

  9. GOOD! I'm glad you back, recharged ready to go!

