Monday, May 31, 2010

Underwood Park Wetlands

We went for a stroll along the Underwood wetlands yesterday even though it was freezing. (Well for us anyway) it was only 19ºC. This park has been established by the Logan City Council, our local authority. It's a great place for families with children and bloggers looking for subjects.

The main pond

The Board Walk

The other blogger deep in thought.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

On the River

Living on the river has become very popular over the last few years, so much so that a lot of houses have been replaced with apartment blocks. These here are at Hawthorne across the river from New Farm.
Some of our friends have bought units on the river with the intention of retiring there but after listening to them, it is not all that's cracked up to be, especially with night time noise.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Friends unite for lunch

Yesterday we went into the city to meet interstate friends for lunch. One of our regular commenters Colin (HB) also joined us. We do this every time our friends from the Hunter Valley fly into Brisbane. We had a wonderful lunch at the Harlequin restaurant of the Sofitel Hotel. The group consists of friends from the Australian School of Pacific Administration  Cadet Education Officers' class of 62/63 of which Diane, Colin and Peter were members.
Lunch hour is finished and only us and a few stragglers remain for an extended lunch.

If you want to see us having lunch, click here

Friday, May 28, 2010

Hello honey, I'm on my way...

Taken at Central railway station yesterday afternoon while we were waiting for our train. This young lady was busy texting.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Roller Girls

This picture was taken about two months ago at Roma Street Parklands during a Multicultural Festival. These girls were preparing for some sort of skating show, unfortunately our train left before we actually saw the performance.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Arty Bollards

At South Bank Parklands between the Playhouse and the Ferry stop are these two posts in the road, presumably stopping vehicular access. I couldn't quite work out what they represent and I couldn't find any explanation anywhere. They have patterns and inserts of various descriptions. Mybe someone in Brisbane can fill us in of what they represent.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Waiting for a bus

When we have to go into the city, we sometimes take a bus to avoid traffic and parking costs. It's great. the bus picks us up at Springwood and drives on the seperate bus track right into Adelaide Street outside Myer shopping centre. Then back again to Springwood. Here comes our bus.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Go and meet the banker

This door is in the building formerly known as the Bank of New South Wales in Queenstreet. This bank has not been in operation for many years. Above the door is written B of NSW CHAMBERS,

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Post Office Lane

This is a shot from Post Office Lane through th GPO building, to Queen Street and across to Post Office Square in the heart of Brisbane City.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Brisbane Powerhouse - Restaurant Watt

The Brisbane Powerhouse Arts Complex (previously featured) has a popular restaurant called Watt (get it?). Especially on weekend afternoons where the young arts brigade congregate.

Afternoon gathering at the Watt restaurant forecourt on the river

Thursday, May 20, 2010

A typical West End Street

Boundary Street, West End is the hub of this cosmopolitan Brisbane suburb. It houses various international shops and restaurants as well as the very first Coffee Club from where  the phenomenon called the Coffee Club started and today is nationwide.
Boundary Street, West End
And somewhere in that shot is a son-in-law

Click here to see all participants in Every day Life

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

'Scruffy' our friendly Butcher Bird

I've been having E-mail debates recently with a group of people from Brisbane, and as far away as Colorado and Florida about butcher birds and what they look like. So I doug up this picture of 'scruffy' a butcher bird who visited us every day with his family for a little mince meat, 'Scruffy' was very trusting and let us hand-feed him but not the rest of his flock.
Then one day they stopped coming for a year. The following year they returned again for another season and that was it. We have not seen them for over a year.

I am hand-feeding 'scruffy' the butcher bird 

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Interesting Water Feature

Yesterday was an overcast day down here in Sydney with light rain, so perfect for a lazy day indoors, blogging and reading books. While looking out from our balcony at Vaucluse, we saw this waterspout over the ocean. It looked spectacular, so Diane grabbed her camera and captured this phenomenon. It even made the evening TV news at 6pm. 

Monday, May 17, 2010

Bloggers meet for lunch in Sydney

On Saturday, a group of bloggers met for lunch in Sydney at the Glenmore Rooftop restaurant overlooking Sydney harbour. After a delightful lunch, we watched the arrival of Jessica Watson after her solo trip around the world, sailing into the harbour to the Sydney Opera House, surrounded by hundreds of other vessesls and hovered over by news helicopters.
(f.l.t.r.) Bill, Diane, Jim, Julie, Ann, Joan, Peter and Michelle

Our view from the Glenmore Rooftop Restaurant
with Jessica Watson arriving at the Sydney Opera House

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Arbour walk at South Bank

I know I have posted the Arbour walk before, but this picture was taken by my daughter Carol and it shows the arbour walk beautifully.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Story Bridge in the Fog

The city and the Story bridge on a foggy morning.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Brisbane City Hall

Brisbane City Hall, in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, is the seat of the Brisbane City Council. It is located adjacent to King George Square, where the rectangular City Hall has its main entrance. The City Hall also has frontages and entrances in both Ann Street and Adelaide Street. The building is considered one of Brisbane's finest and is registered on the Register of the National Estate since 1978.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

A street in The Gap

The leavy suburb called The Gap was badly damaged in a wild storm a couple of years ago causing damages to a lot of properties, most have now been repaired. Here is a typical street ib this seni-rural suburb

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Cabbagetree Creek for Watery Wednesday

A fishing boat on Moreton Bay near Cabbagetree Creek.

To visit more Watery Wednesday participants - CLICK HERE

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A house with a million dollar view

We are in Sydney and shot this house on a walk at Dover Heights near Vaucluse, overlooking Sydney Harbour.

I belong to the Everyday Life around the World group

Monday, May 10, 2010

The William Jolly Bridge

Sometimes called Grey Street Bridge. I took this shot from Level 20 of the Key West Hotel.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Arbour at South Bank

At South Bank Parkland, the former Expo site.

The Arbour walk

Friday, May 7, 2010

Great Coffee at Trios

We are in Sydney at the moment. Took a stroll through Bondi Beach and had coffee at Trios on our daughter's recommendation. It looked and tasted great. I'll go back there for another cappuccino.

Tropical Display Dome Mt Coot-tha Botanical Garden

The Tropical Display Dome of the Brisbane Botanical Garden at the foot of Mount Coot-tha.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Take Notice of this Notice

This sign has been noticed in the grounds of the Powerhouse Arts Complex in New Farm

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The captain of the Kookaburra Queen on the Brisbane River

Following yesterday's picture of the Kookaburra Queen, I am happy to introduce you to the captain who greeted us when we boarded the ship for a lunch cruise. Once on board, he handed the helm over to the First Mate while he proceeded to entertain us with wonderful stories during our lunch.  

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Kookaburra Queen Paddle Steamer

I have shown her before from different angles, she is the Kookaburra Queen, a floating restaurant boat cruising up and down the Brisbane River.The reason I am showing her again is because tomorrow I am going to show you the captain, a real character.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Stormy Couds

Stormy Clouds over Browns Plains

Sunday, May 2, 2010

We're away in Sydney

Hi there in Blogland. Diane and I are flying to Sydney this morning, for three weeks to be with our daughter Sonya who is expecting our first grandchild. So I'll be blogging by 'remote control' to keep to the rules of City Daily Blog. Not sure if I'll be able to follow all your blog posts, but I'll try.

So here's my last contribution from home

City Cat leaves New Farm Ferry Terminal